Respon_sum API documentation version v1
Welcome to Responsum! I built this project for my professor to use in a class of 135 students. It is able to perform live quizzing or assesment questions and can done in person or remote. The benefit of Responsum incldues a searchable, pageable, and orderable database of all the questions and answers. For me as a student, this helps a lot with studying for exams and focusing on specific topics I plan to work on.
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- version: required(v1)
Collection of all registered students.
Get information about a student.
Update a student's information.
Delete a student account.
A list of all the responses the student has ever made.
Get the paginated list of responses made by the student. If ordering by "correct" or "wrong", responses matching the criteria will be placed at the top. Then, they will be sorted by type of response in one batch. Within each batch, they will be sorted by recency.
A list of active classes in which the student is currently registered.
Get the paginated list of classes in which the student is currently registered. The classes are sorted descending by date joined.
A list of inactive classes in which the student was previously registered.
Get the paginated list of classes in which the student was previously registered. The classes are sorted descending by date joined.
Collection of all registered instructors.
Get information about an instructor.
Update an instructor's information.
Delete an instructor account.
A list of all questions the instructor has ever asked.
Get the paginated and searchable list of questions asked by the instructor.
A list of all active classes currently owned by the instructor.
Get the paginated list of classes currently active. The classes are sorted descending by date joined.
A list of all inactive classes previously owned by the instructor.
Get the paginated list of classes previously owned by the instructor. The classes are sorted descending by date joined.
Collection of all classes, active and inactive.
Get the pageable and searchable list of all classes, ordered by date.
Create a new class.
Get information about a class.
Update a class's information.
Delete a class.
Get whether the class is currently active.
Set a class as active or inactive. Setting as inactive will move the class to "past classes" in all lists of current and past classes, and will disable creating questions or responses. Setting as active will set it back.
Add a new instructor to this class.
Remove an instructor from the class. Will respond with 403 Forbidden if this is the last remaining instructor.
Get a pageable list of all students in the class, ordered alphabetically by name.
Add a student to the class.
Delete a student from a class
A list of all responses to questions in the class.
Get all the responses for a class
The collection of all questions in the class.
Get a pageable and searchable list of all questions in the class.
Create a question for a class.
Get information about a question for a class.
Modify a question's information.
Get whether a question is viewable by students.
Set whether a question is viewable by students.
A list of all responses to this question.
Get the list of all responses to a question.
The response by a specific student to this question.
Get the response made by a student to this question.
Create or change a student's response to this question
Delete a student's reponse to this question.